Welcome to Scouts BSA TROOP 72 in Cerritos

Scouts BSA Troop 72  acheives Gold level Journey to Excellence for 2023.  Great Job Scouts and Parents!

It's fun to be a Boy Scout! It's fun to go hiking and camping with your friends... to swim, to dive, to paddle canoe, to wield an ax... to follow the footsteps of the pioneers who led the way through the wilderness... to stare into the glowing embers of a campfire and dream of the wonders of the life that is in store for you...

It is fun also to learn to walk noiselessly through the woods... to stalk close to a grazing deer without being noticed... to bring a bird close to you by imitating its call. It is fun to find your way cross-country by map and compass... to make a meal when you are hungry... to take a safe swim when you are hot... to make yourself comfortable for the night in a tent under the stars. In Scouting you become an outdoorsman.

But Scouting is far more than fun in the outdoors, hiking, and camping. Scouting is a way of life. Scouting is growing into responsible manhood, learning to be of service to others.

Your life as a Scout will make you strong and self-reliant. You will learn Scoutcraft skills that will benefit you as you grow. In time, you will develop skills of leadership as well.

We in Troop 72 would like to invite you to join us in the adventure of Scouting! 

Scout Oath

On my honor I will do my best

To do my duty to God and my country

and to obey the Scout Law;

To help other people at all times;

To keep myself physically strong,

mentally awake, and morally straight.

​Scout Law

A Scout is:












and reverent.

​Scout Motto

Be Prepared.

​Scout Slogan

Do a Good Turn Daily.

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